Mayan Calendar Glyph Calculator

Any given date repeats at cyclic intervals just as for example january 1st in the gregorian calendar repeats every time the earth completes a revolution around the sun.
Mayan calendar glyph calculator. The tzolk in and the haab the maya zodiac sign calculator uses the mayan. The mayan calendar is a particularly complex ancient calendar often confused with the aztec calendar made up of two separate forms of timekeeping. The voice of maya hieroglyphs is rooted in three spoken mayan languages.
Calculate your mayan tzolkin signs easily using our calculator. The maya zodiac sign calculator can work out to which mayan zodiac sign you belong straight away. The haab is somewhat inaccurate as it is exactly 365 days long.
Think of it as an energetic map of the self offering a living language of symbols and mythology. A complete maya long count cycle is 5 125 years long. 2012 details on december 21 2012 the mayan long count calendar will be 13 0 0 0 0 goodman martinez thompson calibration.
The long count calendar ends in 5200 mayan year. Find out your mayan zodiac symbol and what it means about you now. In order to decipher and understand the meanings of the hieroglyphs the signs need to be matched to the language encoded in the script.
To find your galactic dreamspell signature first click here dreamspell calculator link to be taken to another website where you can will enter your birth details at the bottom. The mayan tzolkin signs are calculated using your birth date with 260 different combinations what will your sign be. The mayan calendar developed a system of astrology from their calendar that is called the tzolk in which has 20 different day signs and 13 different galactic numbers that adds up to a 260 day cycle for the calendar.
The calendar has an outer ring of mayan glyphs pictures which represent each of the 19 months. Other conversion options are listed at the bottom of the page. 5125 solar years the last date 12 19 19 17 19 will be december 20 2012.