Liturgical Calendar App For Android

Catholic liturgical calendar android latest 1 2 apk download and install.
Liturgical calendar app for android. The liturgical calendar is also known as the church year or christian year as well as the kalendar marked by advent christmas lent the paschal triduum or three days easter and ordinary time. Several sanctorale calendars are available. This app provides access to roman catholic liturgical calendar according to the norms set forth by the liturgical reform after the ii vatican council.
This liturgical calendar application enables you to access daily readings of the roman catholic church from your phone. This supports 5 languages english french czech italian latin. The same colors you will find being prominent in the church alter and clothes of the mass leaders.
The catholic feasts like advent start date tridumm lent are calculated dynamically for each. The same colors you will find being prominent in the church alter and clothes of the mass leaders. Free android app 4 7 100 000 downloads liturgical calendar for every catholic the liturgical calendar also known as the catholic.
This liturgical calendar application enables you to access daily readings of the roman catholic church from your phone. The daily catholic church readings are color coded according to the. The liturgical calendar begins on the first sunday of advent which usually occurs around the beginning of december or the end of november and ends on the feast of christ the king.
Download roman catholic calendar for android to app roman catholic canlendar you can watch liturgical calendar of roman catholic church. The daily catholic church readings are color coded according to the liturgical color of the day. The liturgical calendar application will help you to find the holy days feast for any year on the go.