Gregorian Calendar History Pdf

The history of the calendar is largely about the attempts of astronomers priests and mathematicians to force the tropical year and the lunar month to fit into a scheme comprised only of whole numbers.
Gregorian calendar history pdf. Pope gregory xiii issued a papal bull inter gravissimus on february 24 1582 that established the gregorian calendar as the new and official calendar of the catholic world. The gregorian calendar is the calendar used in most of the world. The history of gregorian calendar in china china has there own calendar called chinese calendar because of feudal reign for long times.
It was introduced in october 1582 by pope gregory xiii as a minor modification of the julian calendar reducing the average year from 365 25 days to 365 2425 days thus correcting for the drift against the tropical or solar year that the inaccuracy had caused during the intervening centuries. Its structure history and one hundred years of corresponding dates 5660 5760 1900 2000 arthur spier new york. It was adopted later that.
A further proposed refinement the designation of years evenly divisible by 4 000 as common not leap years will keep the gregorian calendar accurate to within one day in 20 000 years. Since the julian calendar had fallen ten days behind over the centuries pope gregory xiii designated that october 4 1582 would be officially followed by october 15 1582. 4th revised ed the comprehensive hebrew calendar.
Download 1 file. The gregorian calendar is the most widely used calendar in the world today. Gregorian reform of the calendar.
The gregorian calendar differs from the julian only in that no century year is a leap year unless it is exactly divisible by 400 e g 1600 2000. It is the calendar used in the international standard for representation of dates and times. In 19 th century some western missionaries came to china communicated with chinese astronomers and gregorian calendar was first time bringing into china.
A standard work for converting dates between the gregorian and hebrew calendars is the comprehensive hebrew calendar. Chronology historical congresses calendar gregorian congresses astronomy history congresses gregoriaanse kalender astronomy calendar. It is a solar calendar based on a 365 day common year divided into 12 months of irregular lengths.