Catholic Calendar For October 2020

Saint remigius bishop 533 saint remi or remigius was born in the middle of the fifth century of noble and pious parents.
Catholic calendar for october 2020. 27ᵗʰ sunday in ordinary time. 2 guardian angels memorial. The blessed virgin mary on saturday.
The month of october still remains within ordinary time. 3 saturday of the twenty sixth week of ordinary time weekday. Saturday in the 26ᵗʰ week in ordinary time.
2020 pdf 2021. The holy guardian angels. October is a month dedicated to mary the mother of god.
Thursday october 1 2020. Sundays solemnities feasts of the lord. Home calendar 2020 october.
Traditional catholic calendar 2020. Liturgical ordo 2019 2020. Home calendar 2020.
Monday october 5 2020. Saint of the day. The catholic church in england and wales.