Calendar Days The Meaning

A calendar day is a period from midnight on a given day to midnight on the next day.
Calendar days the meaning. Calendar day means each day not including the day of the act event or default from which a designated period of time begins to run but including the last day of the period unless it is a saturday sunday statewide furlough day or legal holiday in which case the period runs until the end of the next day that is not a saturday sunday statewide furlough day or legal holiday. A system for fixing the beginning length and divisions of the civil year and arranging days and longer divisions of time such as weeks and months in a definite order see months of the principal calendars table. A calendar day is different from a weekday as it includes only five working days of the week.
A saturday and a sunday are both calendar days but they are not week days. A book with a separate. Definition of calendar entry 1 of 2 1.